Tuesday 4 March 2014

Ogre tank

I was doing a search for Lego tanks back in 2009 and I found this design online. I copied it because it was so well engineered and there was no point in trying to re-invent the wheel ;0)
The Ogre design also had Mindstorms functions that enabled it to find it's way around and attack certain targets, but I went for a more simple remote controlled version. (I have since removed the Mindstorms transmitter)
The Zamor sphere launcher on the front draws ammunition via a gravity feed from the storage cage on top. It can hold about 100 Zamor spheres and can empty out in under 10 seconds.
The hardest thing is going around and collecting all of the Zamor spheres off the floor once you are done!

Here is a short video of it moving around.

Here is a short video of me unloading some of the spheres!

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